Water Quality

WISPr Funds

Sustainable Woodstock is proud to be the first nonprofit implementor to manage funds from the State Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr). On behalf of the Town and Village of Woodstock, Sustainable Woodstock has applied for and received approval for $227,014 in WISPr funding to cover the cost of implementing natural resource projects throughout the Town and Village. We will use these funds to stabilize the bank along Barnard Brook near Billings Farm, in partnership with the Woodstock Inn & Resort.

Barnard Brook Bank Restoration Project

Sustainable Woodstock’s Billings Community Garden is threatened by Barnard Brook; the bank is quickly eroding and encroaching on the garden, depositing sediment and nutrients into the brook. Sustainable Woodstock has been awarded a grant of $11,714 from the VT Agency of Natural Resources for the 30% Design of the Community Garden Bank Restoration Preliminary Design-Billings Site project. The 30% design was completed in July 2022, and we submitted an application for 100% design, so that we can then implement a bank restoration project. We are very excited to begin this process to mitigate damage that dates back to Tropical Storm Irene in 2011.

2023 Annual Report

The Great VT Flood of 2023

On July 10-11, 2023 a large portion of Riverside Mobile Home Park was flooded as the Ottauquechee River rose and ran underneath homes, pouring through mobile home skirting. The water then receded, leaving a wet muddy sludge under homes. With the help of volunteers, Sustainable Woodstock removed mobile home skirting and power washed the slabs under the homes to prevent mold growth and moisture problems. We then raised $75,000 to make repairs, including new insulated mobile home skirting, new heat tape to prevent freezing pipes, new vapor barriers under homes, and addressing erosion under some of the mobile homes. All told, we worked with families to make repairs on 12 homes in the park. Many thanks to the VCF, the Hub, UV Strong for this funding.

Photo Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

Tropical Storm Irene Flood Relief

Following the devastating damage done by tropical storm Irene in August 2011, Sustainable Woodstock was proud to have stepped up to take on the task of administering the Woodstock Area Flood Relief Fund, coordinating both the solicitation of funds and the grant distribution process. Through the generosity of many hundreds of individuals and organizations both inside and outside the community, the fund raised $425,000 and provided significant flood recovery help to more than 125 families in Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Pomfret, Reading and Woodstock.

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