The Founding of Sustainable Woodstock

Early Years

Sustainable Woodstock Today – A Sampling of Projects
Film Series
We have continued our Climate Change and Sustainability Film Series, hosting a free monthly film screening in partnership with Pentangle Arts.
Green Drinks
We host monthly Green Drinks Events, welcoming local organizations and businesses to present on sustainable initiatives in our community.
Community Gardens
We manage the Billings and King Farm Community Gardens, which are used by more than 30 families and organizations. These garden plots are managed by our Community Garden Coordinator, who grows produce for the Woodstock Community Food Shelf and Upper Valley Haven. Every Spring Sustainable Woodstock also holds a Grow Your Own Garden distribution, which provides seeds and seedlings to families that would otherwise be unable to afford to grow a garden.
Each year we hold an electronics recycling and document shredding event at Union Arena.
We host the Upper Valley traveling E-Bike Library yearly so that locals have the chance to “check out” an e bike to ride around town.
Window Dressers
Woodstock is a Window Dressers community build location. In 2022 we built over 200 insulating window inserts for low-income families.
Weatherization Outreach
In partnership with the Woodstock Area Relief Fund and Vital Communities, we conduct weatherization outreach to low-income residents and mobile homeowners. Currently we are working with homeowners who received fuel assistance to get energy audits or free weatherization through the state of Vermont.
Energy and Transportation Action Group
Sustainable Woodstock’s Energy and Transportation Action Group (SWEAT) meets monthly and coordinates energy initiatives in the Town, including the efficiency upgrades to make the new (2022) Emergency Services Building not-zero-ready, energy audits and work done on town buildings and leadership on creating a Climate Action Plan for Woodstock and our partner towns, in collaboration with the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission and the Intermunicipal Regional Energy Coordinator.
Forest Carbon Action Group
We run a Forest Carbon Action Group (FCAG) that meets monthly to share and disseminate information on forest management practices.