Energy Equity

Energy Equity Opportunities

Heating Vermont’s aging, inefficient housing is a major source of energy inequity and carbon emissions. Many families cannot afford energy-efficiency upgrades, let alone energy upgrades like heat pumps, solar arrays or electric vehicles. Sustainable Woodstock focuses on equal energy opportunities for all by offering free home weatherization resources and assistance to those who are low to moderate income.
Installed window inserts
Energy Equity
Volunteers constructing window inserts

Our Energy Equity Projects

Window Dressers

Sustainable Woodstock is a proud community build location for the nonprofit Window Dressers, which brings community volunteers of all economic and social situations together to improve the warmth and comfort of interior spaces, lower heating costs and reduce carbon dioxide pollution by producing low-cost insulating window inserts that function as custom, interior-mounted storm windows. Our first community build in 2022 will provide free inserts for 24 low-income families, saving money and energy.

Equal Energy Opportunities for All Grants

Sustainable Woodstock offers energy grants to moderate and low-income residents for weatherization and energy efficiency projects, including: energy audits, heat pumps, spray foam weatherization, attic and basement insulation, efficient wood and pellet stoves, and health and safety upgrades to energy systems. Sustainable Woodstock works one-on-one with contractors and grant recipient to facilitate projects, and Neighborworks of Western Vermont assists in accessing Efficiency Vermont rebates.
The following provides an example of a recently completed home energy project: • Sustainable Woodstock (SW) paid for an energy audit through Neighborworks of Western Vermont (NWWVT), which found air leakage of 4,341 CFM50 (which equates to heating the volume of air in the house 36 times a day or a 15-inch x 15-inch hole in the building shell) • SW contracted with Vermont Foam Insulation to install a vapor barrier and insulate the crawlspace of the home. • The total cost of the project was $8,039.84 and the homeowner qualified for a $5,000 rebate through Efficiency Vermont. Sustainable Woodstock provided a grant of $2,266 for a total cost of ~$40 to the homeowner. • Estimated savings of ~$1,000 a year to homeowner

Mobile Home Outreach

We partnered with Vital Communities’ Energy Savings Outreach Campaign in 2020 and 2021-22 to send direct mailings containing weatherization and fuel assistance resources to all mobile homeowners in Woodstock, Hartland and Bridgewater. This campaign also sent energy surveys to residents, who could share their spending on fuel and knowledge of weatherization and energy services. Sustainable Woodstock then followed up with all interested participants to connect them to free resources, such as COVER home repair, state fuel assistance and free SEVCA weatherization.

Partnership with the Woodstock Area Relief Fund

In 2022 we began a partnership with the Woodstock Area Relief Fund (WARF). WARF offered fuel assistance grants to local residents in need during the winter of 2021-2022. With the recipients’ permission, we have connected with fuel assistance recipients to offer weatherization services. These services included assistance with applications to COVER home repair, state fuel assistance and free SEVCA weatherization. We also offer free home energy audits to those who do not qualify for free services. This outreach has resulted in multiple applications to state fuel and weatherization programs and numerous energy audits.

Research and Outreach

During the 2021-2022 academic year we Partnered with Dartmouth College’s Human Centered Design course to interview mobile homeowners about their knowledge and experience with weatherization, which culminated in a final report, “Improving Weatherization Access in Vermont.”

View more resources on weatherization and saving energy.

Local Weatherization Guide 2021

Sustainable Woodstock’s Local Weatherization Guide 2021 is a comprehensive resource for homeowners to help guide your efforts to save energy and reduce home heating bills while also mitigating climate change. This guide includes information and resources for conducting an energy audit, calculating your home’s energy efficiency and obtaining financial assistance for completing weatherization projects and upgrades to heating and ventilation systems. Efficiency Vermont’s Mobile Home Replacement Program offers financial incentives and low-interest financing for purchasing a net-zero energy modular home. Keep your home environment safe, comfortable and healthy.

Learn More

Please contact us for more information about programs and initiatives.