Students marching from the High School to town as part of the climate strike
This year is the 5th anniversary of Woodstock passing the 2020 Climate Emergency and Action Resolution. The resolution set a goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Woodstock by 2030. It also made both mitigation of climate change and adaptation to the effects of climate change a defining focus for Woodstock town and village.
Change the World Kids and Sustainable Woodstock, which drafted the petition, led the charge in support of the resolution. High School students from Change the World Kids gathered signatures in town to get it on the ballot and spoke in support of climate action. The town and village passed the resolution at town meeting in 2020.
Along with the resolution, in 2020 a group of students organized a climate strike inspired by Fridays for Future, the movement started by Greta Thunberg. Students marched from the high school to downtown Woodstock, then held an organized protest in Woodstock center to demand climate action. There were student-made speeches and posters.
2020 was a truly pivotal year for local climate action. That same year, Sustainable Woodstock, Change the World Kids, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC), and many community members advocated for an energy coordinator for the Town of Woodstock to help us reach our energy goals. That position, now known as the “Shared Energy Coordinator” or “SEC,” has worked with the town of Woodstock ever since. Sustainable Woodstock’s Executive Director serves on the Steering Committee, directing the SEC’s work.
Since 2020, the Shared Energy Coordinator has:
- Applied for and received a grant for three all-electric school buses. The buses are now transporting Woodstock students to and from school. The grant provided $1.125 million dollars for the buses, and an additional $60,000 towards the charging infrastructure.
- Developed a proposal to reduce emissions by 12.5% annually by installing new technologies such as heat pumps in municipal buildings and conducting weatherization measures. These upgrades are nearly completed and, once they are done, the majority of town buildings will then no longer use fossil fuel as a primary heat source.
- Received a grant for three level-three electric vehicle fast chargers at the Bridgewater Mill.
What is ahead in 2025?
- The SEC and Sustainable Woodstock are working with the Planning Commission on a comprehensive strategy to encourage Smart Growth in the town’s East End. The goal of these changes is to promote the creation of new housing stock, including workforce housing, that will also help to grow the town’s Grand List.
- We are planning for the town’s wastewater treatment plant upgrades. The SEC will be preparing an application for the Northern Borders Regional Commission’s (NBRC) Catalyst Program to help fund water infrastructure projects that have been identified but were not funded by December’s bond vote.
Thanks to a committed group of students and residents in 2020, we have made real change on the ground in Woodstock. Thank you to Two Rivers Ottauquechee Rivers Commission for providing a “home” for the Shared Energy Coordinator position. Thank you to the Select Board and Town of Woodstock for continuing to support and work with the position. And thank you to Woodstock voters have shown again and again that climate action is a priority to our town.