Managing Forests to Sequester and Store Carbon
In August of 2017 Sustainable Woodstock worked in conjunction with the Vermont Coverts, the Vermont Woodlands Association, and the National Park Service’s Working Woodlands Workshop program to bring Dr. William Keeton to the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park. Dr. Keeton gave a presentation about his long term ecological research on managing forests for carbon storage and sequestration.
With over 60 people in attendance Dr. Keeton gave a very in-depth presentation on his research findings and then took participants on a tour of his monitoring plots on Mt. Tom in Woodstock, VT to demonstrate the different techniques for measuring stored carbon.The outstanding attendance and interest from land owners, professionals and practitioners motivated us to create an 8 month long work-study discussion series focused on building communal support and understanding the different aspects of not only why we should manage our forests but why and how we can manage them for carbon storage and sequestration.

Dr. Keeton giving a presentation about managing forests for carbon storage and sequestration.

Workshop attendees practice measuring the circumference of a tree to determine how much stored carbon it has.
US Forest Offset Projects Presentation
Source: California Air Resource Board
Tim Stout’s Carbon Project in Shrewsbury
Project by Tim Stout
Land Management Plan
Coolidge East Management Unit